Being a parent is the greatest gift God could ever give anyone.  I have two sweet little daughters, and there is no better feeling than when I’m holding them in my arms showering them in affection.  It wasn’t until I became a parent that I began to fully realize how God must feel towards us.  In Matthew 7, Jesus teaches us that if we as broken parents can give good things to our children and meet their needs, how much more does our perfect Father know how to give what’s best for us?  It’s hard to imagine, but God actually loves our children more perfectly than we could ever love them.

Before we even knew our children, by name God knew them.  Think about it; the idea of your child has been in God’s heart for eternity past.  Let’s just say he’s had a while to think up what’s best for our kiddos.  And what’s best is what our children were created for: to know God and to be known by him.  I think about how much I long for a close, loving relationship with my children.  How much more does God desire to steal the hearts of our children?  And that’s it–God doesn’t want our children to just believe in him.  He wants them to fall in love with him, because his love is the greatest gift of all.

Does your heart burn for what’s best for your children?  Join The Neverclaim in a campaign that we believe could capture a whole generation for Jesus.  Join us in the Steal Their Hearts Prayer.  It’s a prayer I have been praying over my children for years and have had the joy of seeing Jesus come alive to them through it.  Starting Mothers Day up through Fathers Day 2014, our goal is to see moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, foster parents, and more adopting this daily prayer over our little ones.  We believe this could start a movement of people who would see the fruit in praying for our children that would then continue in a lifestyle of prayer for the rest of their lives.  Join us as we pray,

Would you steal their hearts
As you call their name,
In a broken world that’s trying to do the same?
Would you let them see the Majesty of all you are?
Oh Lord, would you steal their hearts?


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