Sharpening the Saw: Starting the Right Away

Sharpening the Saw: Starting the Right Away

I don’t know much about computers but I do know there is a factory reset on most, or at least the ability to reset the computer to its original intent. My iPhone has that ability for sure. Every once in a while I have messed things up enough to consider resetting my...
A More Christlike God

A More Christlike God

If I was to pick one book that has impacted my ideas of who God is, it would be A More Christlike God, by Bradley Jersak. My thoughts on the book can be summed up by examining the thesis of this book, what is God really like? The author does an amazing job at breaking...
Three ways to gauge your spiritual health

Three ways to gauge your spiritual health

I have found that knowing yourself is the most important aspect of soul care. Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship you have with yourself is equally important to your relationship with God. You are the only one that...

Learning to Suffer Well

Suffering is one of the topics that most people, including myself, want nothing to do with.  However, there is a great deal that Jesus can teach us through our times of suffering. Here in the US we certainly do not suffer like our early Christian brothers did.  For...

Striving for a Selfless Generation

We are taught from a very early age that our needs come first. Here is an example. Every morning we wake up and say “I”. I need to use the bathroom, I need breakfast, I need … When My 11 year old daughter was 1 that was okay. She couldn’t do much for herself and I...